May Updates

Changes to Order Cancellation Notifications

Beginning May 18th, there will be a few changes when it comes to orders being cancelled to benefit you as sellers. These include updated notifications on Seller Portal, updated filtering features and customer messages changes.

Recycling Fee Updates

We will be adding a new field, “Recycling Fee Total”, to the Datafeed file starting May 18th. For sellers currently using API, there will be no change to the existing API.  Note: Applicable to only ISO sellers.

New Item Creation Tool Available on Portal 3.0

Sellers currently utilizing our Newegg Marketing tools such as Sponsored Product Ads or A+ Content can also access the new Item Creation tool in Portal 3.0 with additional new features. Please go here for more information.

Estimated SBN Fulfillment Fee Now Displaying

We have added a new column to the Item List, Estimated SBN Fee per unit sold. This new tool will help show you how much you can save by using our SBN service. For more information on SBN and this tool, please go here.

Did You Know?

Newegg’s Seller Academy provides you with all the information you need to sell successfully from creating your first item to helping you use our A+ Content self-service tool. Get all the insights you need to help you grow your business on Newegg. Visit our Seller Academy now!

For more information on these operational updates, please click here or email

Thank you.

